Thursday 16 January 2014

6 Tips To Lose Your Love Handles

Don’t Stress
Cortisol (the stress hormone) stimulates an increase in your appetite and excess cortisol can also cause muscle breakdown leading to increased body fat storage. Stay calm and carry on!
Get Your Zzzzzz’s
Don’t get enough sleep?  It will hurt your waistline.  When you are sleep deprved you are running on low energy and are more likely to grab a quick bag of chips or some other comfort foods.
Drink Drink Drink
Drinking plenty of water fills you up and keeps your nagging appetite in check! If you don’t drink enough water you will compensate with increased food intake. It is common to feel hungry when you are actually dehydrated.
Eat More… Regularly
Eating regularly prevents a spike in blood sugar and subsequent blood sugar crash.  We want slow and steady rises and falls in blood sugar levels.  Peaks and troughs cause cravings and overeating.
Lay Off The Booze
Alcohol adds ‘empty’ calories to your diet.  7 calories per gram… but has no nutritional value whatsoever.  It’s also a diuretic – making you dehydrated, hungry and more likely to overeat.
Eat More Fruit And Veges
Natural fruits and veges contain valuable vitamins and minerals that you need, and they also have the upside of containing all important fiber and water.

Monday 13 January 2014

Overweight? Excess Belly Fat? Perhaps Blame It On Your Genes?

Obesity.  It’s taking over the world.  Let me throw some numbers at you.
200 million – the volume of adult men that are now considered obese.
300 million – adult women suffering the same affliction.
43 million – the kids who are severely overweight (read… obese)
$1,429 – the increase in medical costs each year for those who are obese when compared to normal weight ranges.
$147 billion – the estimated cost of obesity in the United States each year (2008).  That is a chunk of change!
So who is to blame?  Check out the the rest of this article and the real reason you are overweight or have excess belly fat at the Belly Fat Formula Blog.